When you need help understanding what your financials are telling you, solving business problems, or guidance to grow your profits, getting the right support has always been expensive for small businesses and freelancers.

But not anymore.

Because with the Know Your Business Numbers packages of support you only pay for our financial and operational expertise when you need it.

For micro-businesses, freelancers and start-ups you can access the information you need to understand your business numbers via our membership knowledge vault and training. You can do your own accounts or get the basics sorted and have us get the necessary reports for filing to the UK authorities.

For those with growing businesses and needing more support, then there is no need to spend big on a full-time employed Finance Director (FD) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO).  There is no need for this kind of support until you reach multi 7-figures. Instead we provide on-demand part-time Chief Financial Officer (CFO), Accountant and Business Mentor in one. 

We’ll review your finances and operations from top to bottom, give you straightforward advice on how to improve beyond just the numbers, then if needed, roll up our sleeves to help you get the job done.  

Jo Outram - Know Your Business Numbers

So who do we help?

Freelancers, Solopreneurs, Side-Hustlers & Micro-Businesses

Typically this is you if:

  • You have a low volume of financial transactions each month
  • Simple record keeping
  • Perhaps do your own accounts?
  • In the first few years of being in business

Solopreneurs, Freelancers & Small local businesses

Typically this is you if:

  • Moving to 6-figures and beyond
  • Increasing volume of financial transactions each month
  • Multiple sources of income
  • Considering or already operating via a limited company
  • Outsourcing your bookkeeping or have a part-time inhouse accounting support

Rapidly growing businesses & mid-sized local businesses

Typically this is you if:

  • Moving to 7-figures and beyond
  • Have your own bookkeeper or accountant inhouse
  • Need more strategic advice and support

What do all these business owners have in common?

Their income ranges from £10k to £4m+ but all our clients have the following traits in common:

Features - Small Star

Desire to create financial independence for themselves and their family.

Features - Small Star

A willingness to develop a healthier relationship with money and understand how their money mindset affects their financial decision making.

Features - Small Star

Acknowledge that becoming financially savvy will help them grow their business and achieve greater financial success.

How We Can Help

We have a number of options to help you get to grips with your business numbers, depending on the size of your business and your budget:

Know Your Business Numbers Vault

Membership site for only £15 per month

Turn your business into the smartest and quickest way to set yourself free and everything will change in life before you know it. The key is to know your numbers down to the very last detail, allowing you to take smart decisions and make wise moves with ease. When you’re ready to really get to know your numbers, there’s only one place you need to be…

  • Set money goals that change your life with a focused masterclass and workbook
  • Discover your money DNA and use it to shape the money mindset you need in life
  • 7 simple steps that allow you to make self-employed accounts look easy, plus…
  • Detailed guidance on starting a business, tax rates, accounting, and mindset tips
Enrol Now
KYBN Vault
Accounting Services

Accounting Services

As UK accountants, we have been providing done for you accounting services since 1999 for small owner managed businesses and the self-employed.  Our clients range in size from just starting out, earning £5k per year, to earning seven figures.  We can even sort out your bookkeeping, monthly or quarterly, give you access to accounting software, do your payroll and prepare and submit your VAT returns.

If you want to prepare your own accounts but want a little help getting started then we can help you - get access to the online course - 7 steps to preparing your self-employed accounts along with a couple of coaching/Q&A sessions.  We will even sit with you, over Zoom, while you submit your tax return.  

We don't recommend, or provide this service, for limited companies.  If you run a limited company, by all means do your own bookkeeping if you wish, but let us prepare submit your accounts and corporation tax return.

Learn More: Do It Myself Option Learn More: Self Employed Learn More: Limited Company